Leadership is the key to success in business. It begins with yourself and creates a trickle down effect to your partners, staff, clients and patients. I met a young nurse once who had the graveyard shift in cardiac ICU. Before she left home each night, she set her intention to be the best nurse that she could be and treat her patient with the love that she would a family member. She was an example to the other nursing staff and everyone enjoyed working with her. A Flight Purser I worked with walked into her briefing of 16 crew, 5 pilots, 6 customer service and others having decided that the outcome of the 16 hours flight that each of the 400 passengers would be attended to cheerfully, the crew would feel supported and desire to bring their energy to each other and the passengers. A corporate client was planning to expand his business. He needed his people to become passionate about his vision. What do all of these have in common? In each of these scenarios, the Leader made the decision to identify  the desired outcome and how they were going to "Show up" in their work that day and how they were going to ignite others to raise their standards. A leader leads by example and demonstrates his or her passion for the outcome in order to lead others long term.Their actions match their words.When they are tired, bored or lost, they can bring a renewed energy to lift and lead others. In the long term, you must be a leader who continually earns influence with your actions

Medical and Staff Coaching

In the medical profession, it is sometimes challenging to balance patient care and patient CARE. One's brain needs to go back forth between the analytical evaluation and task performance and the more subtle personal evaluations that are equally necessary to the patient's health. Let me Coach your team of professionals to restore patient CARE

Real Estate & Sales Coaching

Real Estate & other Sales positions require a great deal of perseverance Getting clear of not only your big "why" but your "how". With your newENERGY and FOCUS, this will be your best year yet!

Corporate Growth Coaching

Growing your business often takes an outsider with a fresh view of the challenges that you face daily to get you unstuck and begin the new growth that dream about. Together, we will develop a strategy to take a calculated "leap" into the next chapter of your business!


"Our two greatest gifts are time and the freedom to choose—the power to direct our efforts in the use of that time. The key is not in 'spending' time, but in 'investing' it—in people, in empowerment, in meaningful projects and causes. Like any capital resource, if we spend time, it’s gone. We dwindle away our inheritance. If we invest it, we increase our inheritance, and it will redound to the blessing of generations that follow."

-Steven R. Covey, First Things First