FocusPro Coaching

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What are the Four Agreements and… who cares?

Don Miquel Ruiz wrote a great book based on his concept called the Four Agreements. If not familiar, here they are.

1-Be impeccable with your word

2-Don’t take anything personally

3-Don’t make assumptions

4-Always do your best

While he goes into a lot of detail and there are sub concepts in these basic thoughts, I wanted to comment on them generally to give you something to think about.

1-When you are impeccable with your word, you don’t gossip and you come from love. You don’t use your words against others or especially against yourself.

2-Remind yourself that you know what to do and when to do it. What others do, is not a reflection of who you are. You know the beautiful human that you are…don’t let the words or actions of others make you question that.

3-Not making assumptions actually enriches your life by building/creating deeper and more meaningful relationships with others. It allows you to ask questions and communicate with others. It increases understanding and those around you feel more valued.

4-If you don’t do your best, regret and depression can slip into your life and erode who you are. Do what you say you are going to do, don’t make excuses because that gives you permission to be less than you know you are.

Be the best you. You are amazing. Staying in alignment with these concepts will help remind you that you are worthy of all of the good that comes your way!