FocusPro Coaching

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What is failure?

There are no failures in life-only results.

You have no doubt heard of the old saying that "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Here is the simple fact. If you want different results, make a different decision. EVERY decision that we make propels us in a certain direction. When you fail to make a decision you are also propelled in a certain direction. The fact is that energy will continue to move all around you and will move you no matter what. The only decision you need to make is which direction you want to go. If you head in a direction that doesn’t support you, make a new decision and then another until you are comfortable with the direction you are headed.

Many of us are paralyzed and unable to focus on where we want to go due to FOMO or the “fear of missing out”. Not living life is missing out. Not experiencing failure so you can appreciate the road you have traveled on is too great of a sacrifice.

Consider these simple steps to help you avoid the fear of making a mistake and making the “wrong” decision.


Step 1- What do you want?___________________


Step 2- How will it feel when you get it?___________________


Step 3- Evaluate and resolve to tweak the current strategy in your life_________________