FocusPro Coaching

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So What

We often hear the term called a “first world problem”. We might complain that our TV didn’t record our favorite program or we have to re-write a proposal at work. Perhaps our spouse didn't’ tell us how great we looked today…they only said we looked good instead.

Have you ever found that you create drama when there doesn’t need to be?

While we can spin situations or interactions into being interpreted as a big deal, I say so what!

I can choose to be annoyed by all of the little things that are not perfect in the world or adopt a new strategy that allows life to go on without me becoming upset by it. I choose to say so what. So what that someone is 5 minutes late. So what that Uncle George always tells the same story or that you get a middle seat on your 2 hour flight- as you are traveling 500 mph through the air, across state lines while eating and drinking and watching a movie while it is -40 F degrees outside. So what.

What if you chose to say so what every time you became annoyed over the small things in life. Do you think you might see the world in a different light? Maybe you might be happier with the every day experiences? This is a perfect way to change what you are focusing on and free yourself of the annoyances around you.

1-Name 5 things that got under your “skin” over the last week?

Put yourself back in that situation mentally and see how you feel when you say so what…hmmmm, isn’t that interesting.

 2-Name 3 people that consistently exhibit annoying behaviors

Think of them and say so what when you think of how they act or what they say.__________

 The truth is that the world has not been designed to provide you with irritation. The people in our lives are doing the best that they can being who they are and it has nothing to do with us….and so what!