FocusPro Coaching

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Leadership Goals

For those of you who are either entrepreneurs or are in a leadership position, do you ever wonder how you are doing? Sometimes as leaders, our focus is misplaced and we can loose sight of what we want the journey to look like.

I am sure that as a leader, you are able to pat yourself on the back for being #1 in business but perhaps some of the other areas of your life might need to be tweaked. I have outlined some areas that might need to be evaluated and acknowledged. Ask yourself the questions below and perhaps some others as well to make sure you have a direction that will both serve your work life as well as your personal life

 Energy-You got where you are today because of your boundless energy and focus. Are you “spending” any energy in areas that don’t meet your goals either personally or professionally?

 Emotional mastery-Now that you are where you are, have you looked at whether you are aligned with your “BIG Why”?

 Relationship mastery-How are the relationships in your life? Are you able to manage an appropriate work/life balance so your loved one’s feel connected with you?

 Ownership purpose-Have you achieved being aligned with your personal values and translated them so your company is also aligned with them?

 Financial mastery-Do you have a growth plan in place that meets your financial goals?

 Celebrate victory-Do you regularly celebrate the small victories as well as the large ones? Ultimately, these small celebrations energize both you, your staff and loved ones to continue forward on your journey